The Big Mastodon Hashtag Search

This tool searches multiple instances for the hashtags you specify and gives you tools to filter the results different ways. Enter the hashtags you want to search for, separated by commas. Do not use #. After you click, your hashtags will be searched across a set of instances and aggregated into one set of results which you can filter.

The total search result number is below the search box. It will change as you use the slider to change the social score filter (the social score is a post score based on replies/reposts/favories; the higher the score the better the engagement) or use one of the checkboxes to filter your results. The "By Verified Accounts" checkbox limits your results to those from users who have verified at least one link in their profile. The "Influencer Mode" checkbox limits your search results to posts from verified users OR users with more than 5000 followers.

Finally, you can filter the results by the 20 most-frequently-appearing hashtags, or by the full text of the results. But you start by entering the hashtags you want to search for, separated by commas. You won't start using the slider and checkboxes until you've got some results.

Total Results: 0

Limit your search to posts which are:

You can full-text filter the results with this form:

20 most commonly-occuring hashtags in the results. Click on one to filter for only posts with that hashtag. Click the "Reset hashtag display" to remove the filter.

Posts with a social score of more than 40 have a red border. Posts from verified users have a gold border.